Monday, October 22, 2007

Day 40

The Photographer
I was trying so hard to be artistic today, and the best shot I got was Lara actually being artistic. She got a really great shot and I'm still trying to get her to post it. I'll let you know if she does.

Yay its Day 40! jokes about there being only 325 days to go. I'm proud of myself, OK?


Cecily R said...

I'm proud too! Really!

You are sooooo good!

Em-Cat said...

Way to go Lisser...too bad you aren't here. You'd get some good ones of smoke, fire and soot raining down all over everything.

co•lin fam•i•ly said...

YAY! Your blog gives me something to count on always having something. I think I could join AA for bloggers. I like this photo. It is creative, not sure about you but me being the photographer is my way of always HIDING behind the camera :)

Melissa said...

Thanks Cec!

Em - I wish I was there...really!

Leslie, I'm the same way (I like to hide behind the lens), Lara (who this picture is of) on the other hand LOVES having her picture taken. She's kinda great that way!