Photography is my passion. The search for truth my obsession.
~Alfred Steiglitz
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 267
I don't know what it is lately, but there have been several days that I've just about forgotten about a picture. It's a little scary for me. I think I just need some inspiration. Let me know if you think of anything. :-)
P.S. Have you noticed we are in the "less than 100 days to go" category?
I used to live my life vicariously through others, and then through the lens of a camera. But I'm tired of living vicariously. It's time that I starting living. And I mean really living.
I'm still a singer, an artist, and a student of life.
I was actually thinking about that today...what are you going to do when your year is up??
And do you ever answer your phone anymore or are you just ignoring me??
That's so exciting!!! You're doing great lissers.
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